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What we want for our clients and what makes us mad about our Team account

Complete overhaul of how Teams work. Permissions, features, everything needs to be changed. I was here before Teams. Teams is clearly a layer on top of Personal accounts. Teams gives us really weak features and we've heard a lot of complaints from our clients about how Team works.

If Webflow wants more teams to be on Webflow, there must be a change.

We pay $500 per month in Teams account only. In 2-3 months, it will be over $600. If you look at that bill and compare it to the features we get as a Team, it's robbery. The only thing Teams account gives Finsweet is our projects in 1 dashboard. That's it. I feel like I get nothing for what we're paying for. We're 100% Webflow all the way so in theory we would pay anything... but a new Team coming in seeing the offering for $500/month would be disappointed. A 12 person team isn't even big. Imagine thousands per month at the current offering? There are enterprise clients who are cost-sensitive! We have a bigger team than 12 but don't invite everybody because cost is an issue. Every time I add a Team seat, I'm disappointed I have to pay for it.

Challenge #1: Access to our client's websites. The current setup requires us to build the site in our Teams account and then transfer the site to the client's account. Once the site is transferred to our client's account, our Team no longer has access - even if they're still working on the site. We usually transfer the site to the client's account 1 week before launch. After transfer, our JS developers are writing scripts via browser inspector and sending to the PM through Slack to add to the client's site. We're rushing to connect anything in Zapier because we're not able to do this while the site is in our account.

Some of our Enterprise clients don't care about money. Some are very cautious with costs. We do not ask for clients to spend $100 in Webflow costs for us to finish the last week of work. What's worse is the access post-launch. Sometimes clients ask for a simple change - something that our most junior person can do with their eyes closed. Because I am the one on the team seat, I am the one that has to go in and make that change. This happens all the time. A simple CMS update that can be done by a junior designer has to be made by our expensive project manager. We do not ask our clients to switch team seats when they want to make certain changes. This loss of access costs us more, we charge the client more.

Solution #1: Make Teams work like Teams. Allow a Team to invite a Team to their account. Right now, Teams can only interact with Personal accounts. Teams must be able to interact with Teams. This is how most enterprise-level business works. We are working with a team of many people. Our clients are working with multiple people from the Finsweet team.

Dropbox should be able to invite Finsweet to the Dropbox Webflow account. Dropbox can select which sites Finsweet has access to. Dropbox can freely check and uncheck which sites Finsweet has access to. The concept works in the exact same way for Finsweet. Finsweet admin can select which users on Finsweet have access to the Dropbox account. Finsweet admin can freely check and uncheck which people on our Team. This would be ultra powerful. All Finsweet projects would have a much better flow. We would be able to start initial development inside the client's account and invite people in and out as needed. Please don't make this check/uncheck concept seat-based. Limiting us to seats is the same problem that exists now. Allowing us to put more specialized people on client sites for a specific request will allow us to give more valuable, higher quality work to our clients.

Clients are happy, they love Webflow, we all win.

Challenge #2: Better permissions inside your team. A person added to a Team has full access to all websites within that Team. This is crazy. Imagine an enterprise with 10 sites in their account. They bring on a junior developer to manage 1 of the sites. This junior developer has full access to all 10 sites. We would have more people on our Team account if we could limit access to certain sites. Every time I send out a Team invite I think "ok, let's hope this person doesn't take down the Finsweet site."

We can prevent someone from deleting a site... but we should be able to limit them from even seeing the site in the account. We have people in our Team account that need access to one single site... but this person sees everything in our team, has access to the Finsweet site, and can see all of our upcoming projects, launches, clients, etc.

Solution #2: Check and uncheck site visibility for each users. Finsweet should be able to have a Team member on our site that can see 1 single website project when they are on the Finsweet dashboard. The Team admin should be able to check each site's visibility on and off for each user on the Team. This is needed for agencies. This is needed for enterprises.

Challenge #3: Better CMS development experience. Every single project we work on requires us to buy 1 or 2 months of CMS hosting. We don't tell our clients about this process. Because of challenges #1 and #2, we have to develop most of the site in our Webflow account. As we're building the website's CMS, we run into the free CMS limit very fast. We have to purchase CMS hosting to continue development of the CMS.

Our Team account should at least cover us for basic project development. Side note: we sometimes forget to cancel these monthly hosting packages. We've found sites that accidentally had hosting applied for over 1 year.

Solution #3: Allow Teams to have free CMS plans on link. If we're still on a link, that means we're not live yet. We should be able to build a full client website without any CMS restrictions.

Challenge #4: Alias names for users on our Team. Teams is built on top of Personal accounts. When you invite someone to a Team, you invite them by their Webflow Personal account. We ask our client to invite "" to their Team account. Most designers/devs on our Team have an email address. Several people on our team can't make their default Webflow email address. Two people on our team have a few legacy clients they manage via Team account. They (and we) don't want Finsweet represented in the projects we have nothing to do with.

Two other people are part time Finsweet and opening work with new clients in Webflow. We end up telling our client to add "" to their Team account... for the $50,000 project they're doing with Finsweet... Looks damn unprofessional. It looks like we're outsourcing work - but this person has been working full time++ with us for over 1 year! One of out top top designers has to use a @gmail for his Webflow account. It's embarrassing.

Solution #4: Allow alias emails - or implement Solution #1. We can tell our client to invite This alias is tied to account The client only sees the account.


What our
clients want



I think #1-3 are items that will force us off of Webflow in the short term, but all of these will be blockers in the long run.

1. Multiple Webflow environments (eg. Dev staging) - this is a big blocker for us, particularly when we are staging upcoming releases and functionality. We would want to be able to gate this somehow (using VPN or some sort of internal firewall) rather than just unindexing the domains. Wed also need to be able to configure this using custom domains, to help resolve CORS issues and any other potential cross domain issues.

2. Selective publication controls - it is a massive blocker that we cannot selectively publish pages, but rather it has to be the entire directory tree at a time. This can actually block work from getting done on the website, or requires careful planning to make sure stages content remains in our staging site ( and not our production site. To me, this is probably the biggest reason why we would consider a move from Webflow, as I probably spend more time QAing our production environment to ensure that everything that is supposed to be published is published, and everything that is not supposed to be published is still staged.

3. Page count limits - aside from above, the page count limit is a massive blocker for our team to scale our marketing presence using Webflow. I understand the workaround using collections, but I’m not interested in learning a Webflow-specific hack to create a one-off page (that process doesn’t scale and frankly is quite cumbersome). 100 pages is tough for a company of our size; we it hasn’t been a huge issue yet but I expect our team to hit that limit within the next 6months to a year, which would leave us no choice but to find an alternative solution.

4. Granular user permissions and multiple editors in designer mode - this hasn’t been a huge issue yet, but having more than one user in designer will be important to get more done with our marketing website. Additionally, it would be nice to grant specific user permissions, such as page-level access and edit restrictions, as well as a general publication permission.

5. Asset manager changes - it would be great to be able to rewrite an existing image, use folders for related images, and set our own image path, without Webflow hashing image names for us. This is particularly challenging when working with batches of images outside of the native Webflow editor as well (eg. In custom JavaScript code)

6. Upload JavaScript and JSON files (non-lottie) to Webflow - as we scale as a business, we are writing a ton of custom code to handle various experimentation and integrations with tooling on our Website. It would be nice to leverage the Webflow asset manager for this, but we instead need to use an S3 bucket to fulfill this need. I should note that we will likely use S3 to handle #5 in the near future as well.  

7. 10000 character limitation for custom code - I think Webflow’s No Code philosophy is really unique and important, but doesn’t scale for a business of our size. Thankfully we can bypass this using our S3 bucket, but I’ve gone through some great trouble to try to optimize a snippet of code to work across three to five custom code blocks due to the character limit. I definitely agree that we shouldn’t be putting a ton of custom code into a page header or footer, but this limit does present some challenges, especially because we usually use it for a quick, temporary fix for an issue.

8. Advanced logging - it would be great to have better logging, specifically around downtime and other errors on our website. In the past, I’ve typically reached out to Webflow support when there is an issue, and they’ve mentioned that “everything is fixed now” more often than not. It would be nice to pinpoint what exactly happened and how we can prevent it from happening in the future, and I think logging would be a good first step.

9. Manual CSS writing control - Webflows CSS editor is incredibly powerful and intuitive, but more often than not, I’ve accidentally overwritten an existing combo class that breaks a critical element on our home page, or other high visibility page. It would be great to have manual control over our style sheet, rather than just making edits in the GUI interface. I am also considering switching the bulk of our style sheets over to S3 in the future.

Developer complaint: Better staging, testing, and publishing environment. This would be an ideal solution for HelloSign -- is on two different Webflow builds. Both builds are 'synced'. One build acts as the staging environment, one acts the live version. Anyone can do anything they want to the staging environment. Designer mode, editor mode, everything that you can do in a normal build. Only an admin can push the staging build changes to the live version. The admin can push individual pages from the staging build to the live build. They get a log of potential issues with css.  Note: I understand that this ask is complex!

Marketing team complaint: Publish to in Editor. They hated this one. Made no sense to them. This is frustrating for any team -big or small - that has Editors. Everyone is always, "what? really?" when we tell them how this works.


SSO for Intuit employees to access internal content. No highly sensitive data, no account management. Just a way for people to access Intuit education content. They're our only client (seriously the only) that is hosted outside of Webflow.


Publish to inside Editor. We just launched a content-based site for Dropbox. They're very excited to get their editorial team inside Editor. Almost all changes to the website will be coming from Editor - they essentially have no staging environment.


From an Abstract developer:
Our internal security team has an issue with our new Webflow site. In a nutshell, after moving our site from Wordpress to Webflow our website is missing security headers, which they recommend we add:

Frame Options: Deny: add_header X-Frame-Options DENY.
Strict Transport Security: add_header Strict-Transport-Security “max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains” always
Set X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff.
Set Referrer-Policy.

If Abstract knew about this before the project, it's possible they would have rejected Webflow as a platform. They're dev/security focused.


What Finsweet Wants

{What we actually care about}

Publicity. Being featured in blogs, write-ups, web pages, whatever. If there was an achievement to reach that has publicity as the reward, we would go for it. This has to be genuine publicity though... it can't be something light, fluffy, and general. For example, our Partner pages are light, fluffy, and general. It has nothing to do with who we are as a Partner.

Favorable hosting for pro-Webflow projects. We pay a ridiculous amount of money for FREE tools, resources, and clonables for the Webflow community. If we're building free tools and resources to benefit Webflow, we shouldn't have to pay for them. We spent so much time building our free CMS Library - It's free, we support it for free. It's on a link and we still have to pay for hosting ( We're paying CMS hosting for ~7 sites that are solely for Webflow community engagement. Partners should have free hosting (at the very least on for Webfow community products, tools, etc. We should be encouraged to make these resources, not punished. I'm 100% certain that community resources never came to life because of CMS hosting related costs.

Properly counting the sites we push live on Webflow. I'm always convincing leads to go with Webflow. I'm a pro at it. I can proudly say that I convert a ton of people to the platform. We transfer those sites to the client's account and those sites don't get recognized in our Partner Program publish count. It shouldn't be counted if it can't be counted correctly.

+ everything you said on the call. You have the right idea about this! Focusing on money will never build a powerful community.

Handle with Care.
THis text has been approved
for deployment by
FINSWEET incorporated.
Kai Mak